Mr. V8 903/8 "Omega" Sexed Female Semen
Sire: +Mr. V8 146/8 "Sloan"
Dam: +Miss V8 410/6
From the V8 Ranch Cow Family: +Miss V8 410/6
Already in heavy use with our international clients, Mr. V8 903/8 “Omega” offers an exciting combination of the most coveted genetics in the breed. A V8 Superblend™ from the +Miss V8 410/6 cow family, 903/8 is the final son of the original matriarch herself. Sired by the three-time International Champion +Mr. V8 146/8 “Sloan”, this pedigree represents the best of the best at V8.
“Omega” is one of the larger framed sons of “Sloan.” Big-footed and heavy-boned, he is very long-bodied, and has all the eye appeal and “look” that made his mother one of the most photographed Brahman females of all time. His EPDs put him in the top 10% for a staggering 11 different traits, more than any other AI sire we offer.

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