Mr. V8 824/8 (P) "Polled Solution" Semen Package of 5 Units
Sire: +Mr. V8 279/7 (P)
Dam: Miss V8 578/7
ABBA: 1009940
BW: 83 pounds
From the V8 Ranch Cow Family: Claydesta 807U5
Keeping with our belief that "the magic is in the cows," we are proud to have a polled sire from one of our oldest and most prevalent cow families, +Claydesta 807U5. Smooth polled with beautiful breed character and pigment, Mr. V8 824/8 "Polled Solution" has the traits and genetics to produce the Polled Brahman for the future.
He is heavy muscled, level topped, balanced, and has a very moderate sheath with a small, tight prepuce. His pedigree boasts the best of V8 cow power: his dam is a full sister to our herd sire and past Reserve International Champion, +Mr. V8 191/7. His sire +Mr. V8 279/7 (P) stems from one of the original V8 polled cow families, Miss V8 491/3 (P), from Sugarland breeding.
By purchasing this semen online, you agree to the terms and conditions listed in the online store and at https://shopv8ranch.com/pages/semen-terms-of-sale-semen-policies
Shipping of Semen
When purchasing semen through our store, the price covers only the semen itself. Additional certificates, shipping, and freight charges are not included. After payment, a Sales Agreement will be emailed to you for signature. Once signed, your semen will be released within approximately 3 business days. It will be held at Brushy Creek Custom Sires or Elgin Breeding Service, and you will be copied on the release email. You are responsible for contacting the storage facility to arrange shipping, and all associated costs are the buyer's responsibility. For full terms, visit: https://shopv8ranch.com/pages/semen-terms-of-sale-semen-policies (https://shopv8ranch.com/pages/semen-terms-of-sale-semen-policies).

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